IBC 2015 - Seismic Design Categories TM

Use our IBC Seismic Design Categories map to easily obtain the seismic design category and spectral response acceleration parameter (Section 1613 of the IBC 2015) for any location in the contiguous United States, Puerto Rico and Alaska. You can click on the map below to determine the seismic design category (SDC) and response parameter (SDS) for that location.

The seismic design category (SDC) is calculated based on the design spectral response acceleration (SDS at Site Class = D, Risk Cat. = II), provided by the USGS Seismic API.

With the release of ASCE 7-22, the ASCE is making their Hazard Tool available for free public access. With the availability of ASCE’s Hazard Tool, we feel there is no longer a unique need for the seismic map provided by the Medeek website, and we will be deferring to the ASCE for providing free seismic information. This map will be retired on Mar. 1, 2025 and may become unavailable for use at that time.
* Seismic Design Categories obtained directly from the USGS Seismic API service. Local codes and ammendments may govern, verify with local building department or jurisdiction.

If you need to gather seismic data programmatically, please consider our API Service.
If you have any questions or concerns please call us at 1-425-652-4188.

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