Arizona Ground Snow Loads BETA

Use our Arizona Ground Snow Loads map to easily determine the ground snow load for any location in the State of Arizona. You can click on the map below to find the design ground snow load for that location.

The calculated ground snow loads are based on data from over 500 climate monitoring stations across Arizona. The map uses an inverse distance weighting algorithm which calculates the ground snow loads based on the 2006 snow load report (A Review of Climatological Data for Ground Snow Loads in Arizona) by Scott Freestone at the University of Arizona.
* Ground snow loads derived from A Review of Climatological Data for Ground Snow Loads in Arizona, 2006. Local codes and ammendments may govern,verify with local building department or jurisdiction.

Use our Roof Snow Load Calculator to determine your design roof snow loads.
If you have any questions or concerns about specific ground snow loads within the State of Arizona please call us at 1-425-652-4188.

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